HBBC Lifeline alarm
Based at Castle Court in Burbage our dedicated local control centre helps support many residents throughout the borough and even slightly over our borders keeping people safe and secure in their own homes 24 hours a day.
The lifeline consists of a waterproof wrist or neck worn alert button linked to a mains powered intercom. No landline is required.
Do you know anyone who could benefit from a lifeline alarm?
The lifeline can be used for any medical emergency situation and can also be used if a resident faces an intruder or feels threatened in their own home.
It is a quick way of alerting people for help especially if they are not near a telephone.
Our service reassures it's users.
We still have a 6 week free trial with no installation charge.
After signing up users will pay £5.15 per week -plus VAT if applicable on a rolling contract.
If you would like further information or have a question, please feel free to drop me an email or contact me on the below number.
Kind regards
Richard Philpott
Assistive Technology Officer
Tel: 01455 638177 or 01455 251137
Email: Richard.Philpott@hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk
Posted: Sat, 21 Sep 2024